Dive Sites

Dahab Dive Sites

Day Safari – North

1 -1.5 hr drive by car & boat or car & camel

Hagger Abu Galum North Abu Galum South

After you arrived at Abu Galum you can visit up to 3 different dive sites. Prestine coral reef waiting for you. Hard & soft corals , turtles, rays and lots of coral fish with keep you smiling . The lovely Bedouine Restaurants provide authentic food and drinks. Get tuned down by the chilled place. Check out our Safaris

Northern Shore Dives

35-40 min drive

Bells – Blue Hole Blue Hole – South Tiger Reef

The famous Blue Hole is a jaw dropping wall dive off +100 mtr for experience recreational divers. After your descent through the Bells, which is a exciting “half pipe” crack in the wall, you will reach beautiful overhangs which invite you to see the purple & white softcorals . Don’t forget to look into the BLUE now and than.. The Blue Hole – South offers you more gentle dropping wall mainly made out of big hard coral blocks. A great in contentrating of reef life in beautiful light in the shallow part is like a “fish soup” . If you still want to dive after your break, go to Tiger Reef, just couple of min. south.. Sandy slopes you can find nudis & rays. A relaxed last dive to end the day.

Just “Out of Town” Shore Dives

20-25 Min drive

Ricks Reef – Canyon The Canyon Coral Garden

Diving for experienced divers with good air consumption. FLY into The CANYON, let yourself dropp down to 30 mtr. The inside of the Canyon is just breath taking. Look up, search along the walls inside. Hover to watch the cave sweepers hiding in the Canyon. A lovely Lagoona offers an easy entrance for The Canyon & Coral Garden and is Exit for all 3 dive sites… Coral Garden diserves it’s name.. chill out after the Canyon or try to find rays lying on sandy platues while coming by a drift dive from Rick’s Reef and exit at th Lagoona. Good air consumption needed.

Abu Talha Abu Helal 15-20 min drive

These 2 dives sites are only accessable on high tide & little wind. The reef is breath taking, great for Canyon seekers (40 mtrs +) and Photographers in the shallow , suitalble for all levels during calm conditions.

“Back in Town” Shore Dives

10 Min. drive

Eelgarden Lighthouse Masbat Bannerfish.B Mashraba

Eelgarden dive site is just beautiful. You can watch the Garden Eels eating plancton, hover and stay calm you can see their mouths, stelling food from each other. The reef wall is full of soft and hard corals. Good chance to find different moray eels, nudis, lovely table corals with blue spotted sting rays below.. just great. The Lighthouse dive site offers big big coral blocks, and maybe you make a small U-turn to the under water Museum. The area is great Training field with Bouyancy Park to play around . The Masbat Bannerfish Bay is fantastic to find Sea Horses, sometime turtles at the Sea grass. And of cause big school of Bannerfish & during season you might find schools of baby squids. Mashraba offers also an sea grass field and starting from 19mtr depth a fantastic Coral Block to explore. On the way back you may fined dotted eels in the grass and many box fishes.

Lagoona Area “Our Shore Dives”

Black Rock Hous R. The Islands

Our House Reef is perfect to start your dive Holiday… gentle dropping slope, with a max depth of up to 12 mtr. Single coral blocks, see grass and a cute UW-Museum invite you to cruise around. Chances to see feather tale rays, leapord rays and now and than a turtle… The Islands is one of our BEAUTIES of Dahab. The size of the ISLANDS build by Corals are breathtaking. Imagine you to dive through a mountain range . Big schools of yellow fin barracudas, big puffer fish, and lots of coral fish in the reef & some times some eagle rays fly by.

Southern Shore Dives

15-30 Min drive

Golden Blocks – Moray Garden 3 Pools Umm Sid The Caves

The Southern Oasis offers 5 dive sites which are suitable for beginners & experienced divers. Bedouine Restaurants offering food & beverages for the break btw. Dives .. Gentle dropping slopes gives you time to explore the reef on any depth.. Colorful reefs showing moray eels, clownfish, pufferfish and many more.. enjoy

Day Safari – South

1-1.15 hr Boat trip

Shaira Shab Said El Shogharat
Gabr el Bint North Gabr el Bint South

The BEST dive sites in Dahab: Gabr el Bint North, El Shogharat , Shab Said are so so beautiful but each in a different way… Big rows of gorgonians, prestine corals, Canyons, big collums of corals. Eagle rays passing by, depending on the season Dolphines are around or even a whale shark.. turtles, big schools of fuseliers. And sometimes a school of Milk fish. Being a full day on a Yacht, having fantastic lunch. Just a perfect day. Check out our Safaris