Special Offers For All Courses – 2024

Course Bundle Offers – Open Water Course & Speciality Courses for 2024

OFFER 1: Open Water Diver Course & 1 Ecology course
You want to learn more about the aquatic world & decided to learn to dive? We offer you to combine 1 Ecology Course with your Open Water Diver Course. You can choose between. DRY or WET version of your Ecology course!

OFFER 1 A: Open Water Diver & 1 Ecology course: DRY version of your choice (4 dives) 4-4.5 days

Choices of Ecology Courses are: Coral ID, Fish ID, Nudibranch, Manta & Ray, Sea Turtle, Shark, Marine Mammals, Marine & Under Water Naturalist, Fresh Water, Marine Invertebrates

440 Euro
OFFER 1 B: Open Water Diver & 1 Ecology course: WET version of your choice (6 dives ) 5-5.5 days

Choices of Ecology Courses: Coral, Fish Identification, Nudibranchs, Manta & Ray, Sea Turtle.

520 Euro

OFFER 2: Open Water Diver & 1 Water Skill Speciality course / Open Water Diver & Advanced Adventurer.

OFFER 2 A: Open Water Diver Course & Perfect Buoyancy course: 6 dives / 4-5.5 days

You want to become a very good diver who can control his position & feels confident under water. Learn more from your Instr. during 2 additional dives with the focus only on your Buoyancy ! Choose OFFER 2 A !

520 Euro
OFFER 2 B: Open Water Diver Course & Advanced Adventurer Course: 9 dives / 6.5-7 days

You want to glance into multipe skills after your Open Water Course ? The Advance Adv. Course allows you to learn by attending the 1st Course Dive of each selected Speciality course. : Select 5 out of following list : Nigth & Limited Visibilty , Navigation, Waves, Tides & Current, Perfect Buoyancy, Nitrox, Photo & Video & Deep (min age for deep ) 12yrs

650 Euro

Course Bundle offers / Speciality course for 2024

“Learn the MOST of each Skill” Select from our choice the Speciality Bundles

4 Specialities Bundle: pre-requisit : OWD cert min 15 yrs ” use kit & understand numbers, get better”

Perfect Buoyancy, Deep , Nitrox, Computer (7 dives) certification depth 40 mtr. 3.5 days incl. 10 US $ NP fee for Dive at Blue Hole

520 Euro
2 Speciality Bundle : pre-requisit : OWD cert min 15 yrs : “get better with your Air Consumbtion”

Perfect Buoyancy & Deep (5 dives) certification depth 40 mtr incl 10 $ – NP fee Blue Hole 2.5 days

380 Euro
2 Speciality Bundle : pre-requisit : OWD cert min 12 yrs ” don’t crash the corals”

Perfect Buoyancy & Photo & Video Course, (4 dives) 2 days

330 Euro

Ecology courses Super Bundle : Only for 2024 (Dry Course version)

Every Diver shall have this on his mySSIapp .. Learn while you are on a dive holiday !!

Coral ID Ecology
Fish ID Ecology
Manta & Ray Ecology
Marine Ecology / Under Water Naturalist Ecology
Marine Mammals
Fresh Water Ecology
Sea Turtle Ecology
Shark Ecology
Nudibranchs Ecology
Marine Invertebrates Ecology
295 Euro

Guided Dives Offers