Been a while?
Have kids/job/life got in the way of what once was a passion of yours, and before you know it it’s been a couple of years? Maybe a decade?? Even Longer?!
No fear, as it’s never too late to step back in.
And we are here to help you do it.
Black Rock offers a short course for qualified divers who are ‘rusty’. It has many names- Scuba Review, Refresher, Reactivate, but all have the same goal. And that’s to get you back in the water.
First off is a theory session to refresh your memory on all things diving including understanding the importance of safety, planning and problem solving. Then off to the pool to practice those all important skills to rebuild your confidence. You will be surprised how much comes back, like riding a bike. And if you do have difficulty with anything in particular we will help you through it until you are satisfied and happy. And now it’s time to reap the rewards and go on a dive, as soon as you have immersed yourself into that familiarity you’ll wonder why you ever left it.